European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

16th International LAB Meeting 2010 (16th International Summer School) - Scientific Programme

16th International Lab Meeting – Summer Session 2010
16th International Summer School on Social Representations and Communication

of the

European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication




"Social Representations and Sciences"


 at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and

Multimedia LAB, d'Ara Coeli 1, Rome-Italy

with worldwide multi-points connection via interactive web auditorium


16th - 27th July, 2010





The objective of this Erasmus Intensive Programme is to continue the annual 12-day long International Summer School of the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication which, since 1995, has been offering advanced training to young researchers in key areas of social psychology with wide applications in the public and private sectors on issues including the information society, science popularisation, new socialization and communication strategies, and applied research crucial to health, the environment, political life, social minorities, gender, etc. It has has helped to reinforce the intellectual leadership of European Social Psychology and is now well established as a permanent European forum for disseminating state of the art research in this area.

Systematic co-operation among European researchers remains one of the fundamental prerequisites for meeting the goals of the ERA and EHEA and the European PhD's International Summer School has played and will continue to play an active role in promoting "internationalization" of European Higher Education, taking it beyond the walls of academia, and contributing to the diversity of experience for the trainees involved. Target groups include research trainees enrolled in the European PhD on S.R. & C., postgraduates and research trainees in other national PhD programmes, as well as special target groups with access difficulties, such as women, the disabled and researchers from less favoured EU regions who can profit from the ODL training system and the network's long-term after-event dissemination of multimedia products. 40 applicants (20 who will physically attend the event funded by this IP contract and 20 who will attend on-line via the European PhD web-auditorium for a wider dissemination of the scientific event) will be selected respectively from: partner Universities of this EU IP consortium (according to the new IP series LLP eligibility criteria) and from the wider scenario of partner universities of the EU approved SoReCom Thematic Network who are not members of the European PhD on S.R. & C.

Summer school activities include face-to-face workshops, lectures, and presentations as well as mediated virtual events such as Internet forum discussions, web videoconferencing, and streaming videos. Important themes are discussed at individual, group and plenary levels on the same day, guaranteeing learning of unusual intensity and quality. Young researchers are assisted in making appointments to meet personally and discuss particular issues with guest speakers.


The 2010 Edition of the International Summer Schools will be held on the 16th - 27th of July at the European Ph.D on Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia lab. It will be focussed on “Social Representations and Sciences”, a topic which is at the same time the genesis and the core of the theoretical and empirical research field launched in 1961 by Serge Moscovici.

Besides the founder of the Social Representation Theory, Serge Moscovici (E.H.E.S.S., France), and the European PhD scientific co-ordinator, Annamaria de Rosa (Sapienza University, Italy), the professors who have already confirmed their participation include: Salvatore Maria Aglioti (Sapienza University), Thémistoklès Apostolidis (Université de Provence, France), Brigido Vizeu Camargo (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), Eloisa Cianci (University of Bergamo, Italy), Lorenzo Montali (University Milan Bicocca, Italy), Adrian Neculau (University A.I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania), Remo Ruffini (Sapienza University), and Emilio Sassone-Corsi (President of the Italian Astro­amateurs Union - U.A.I.).

Apart from the Key lectures given by world-class scholars in Social Representations belonging to partner Universities of the European PhD on S.R. & C. or of the SoReCom THEmatic NETwork, there will be an intensive session focussed on a dialogue between Social, Natural and Physical Sciences, led by the Directors of the European/International Doctorates in Neurosciences and in Astrophysics and by the President of the Italian Astro-amateurs Union U.A.I., Emilio Sassone Corsi. This session will be open to the participation of young research trainees enrolled in other international doctorates belonging to Sapienza Coordination program for Joint European International Doctorates. As in the previous events, the 16th edition of the International Summer School will integrate face-to-face and on-line communication. Therefore, in addition to the restricted number of the participants who will attend the event at the European PhD. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and Multi-media Lab in Rome, the participation of other selected applicants will be possible from any worldwide location via an interactive web-conference system (a specific basic and advanced training will be offered at the beginning of the event).

The International Summer School will also include:

  • INTENSIVE GROUP WORKING SESSIONS on participants’ research projects, with individual presentations, monitoring and feedback's given by professors and discussion;
  • INTERVIEWS FOR SELECTING NEW CANDIDATES for the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. reserved to the applicants for the a.y. 2010-11 by the European PhD Recruitment Board. Potential applicants are invited to see the 2010-2011 ANNOUNCEMENT and to fill the ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM by 10th May 2010 (same deadline of the application for the Summer School );
  • THESIS DEFENSE SESSION for the European Ph.D. candidates in front of the International Final Jury



The eligible candidates may apply for 2009-1-IT2-ERA10-07865 funding (including scientific participation fees, travel expenses at the lowest fare, accommodation and lunches according to the arrangement provided by the organiser). To be eligible, participants:

a) must be registered in one of the following participating institutions:
  • Universität Wien (Austria)
  • Masarykova Univerzita (Czech Republic)
  • University Lumière Lyon 2 (France)
  • Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I (France)
  • Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III (France)
  • Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
  • Université Paris Descartes (France)
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
  • Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania)
  • Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain)
  • Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
  • London School of Economics and Political Sciences (U.K.)


b) shall be a national of a participating country in LLP or nationals of other countries, provided that they are either permanent residents according to national legislation, or registered as stateless persons or hold refugee status in a country participating in the programme. The 31 countries participating in LLP are:
  • the 27 EU Member States (which also include applicants from the following regions: Canary Islands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Réunion, Azores, Madeira)
  • Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway (the "EFTA-EEA" countries)
  • Turkey
  • Overseas countries and territories defined by Council Decision 2001/822/EC:
    — Greenland
    — New Caledonia and Dependencies
    — French Polynesia
    — French Southern and Antarctic Territories
    — Wallis and Futuna Islands
    — Mayotte
    — St Pierre and Miquelon
    — Aruba
    — Netherlands Antilles


Those who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria – if admitted – are requested to pay the amount of 1000 Euro for the scientific participation fee (which includes the online participation through the Web-Auditorium, but does not include travel, accommodation, and living expenses) as soon they receive the letter of acceptance. The deadline and method of payment will be communicated with the letter of acceptance