European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

12th International LAB Meeting - Summer Session 2008 Scientific Material



Selection of Scientific Material related to the Key Lectures



Scientific Material related to Prof. de Rosa's Key Lecture:

* de Rosa, A.S. (2007). From September 11 to the Iraq War. In Gertz, S. K., Valsiner, J., Breaux, J-P. (Ed.). Semiotic Rotations, Age Publishing Inc.

* de Rosa, A. S., Mormino, C. (2002). Au confluent de la mémoire sociale: étude sur l'identité nationale et européenne. In Laurens, S., Roussiau, N. (Eds.), La mémoìre sociale. Identités et Représentations Sociales. Rennes, Presses Universitaires Rennes

* de Rosa, A.S., Mormino, C. (2000). Memoria social, identitad nacional y representaciones sociales: son constructos convergentes? Un estudio sobre la Union Europea y sus Esatdos miembros con una mirada hacia el pasado. In Rosa Rivero, A., Belelli, G., Bakhurst, D. (Eds.), Memoria colectiva e identidad nacional. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva

* de Rosa, A.S., Mormino, C. (2000). Memoria sociale, identità nazionale e rappresentazioni sociali: construtti convergenti. Guardando all'Unione Europea e i suoi stati membri con uno sguardo verso il passato. In Bellelli, G., Bakhurst , D., Rosa Rivero, A.(Eds.), Tracce. Studi sulla memoria collettiva. Napoli, Italy, Liguori.

* Moscovici, S. (2008). The social representation of victims. 9th International Conference on Social Representations: Bali, 30th June - 5th July.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Haas' Key Lecture:

* Bartlett, F.C. (1992). Remembering, A study in experimental and social psychology, Cambridge : University press.

* Basse, P.L.(2007). Guy Môquet au Fouquet’s. Pamphlet. Editions des Equateurs.

* Cariou, D. (2006). Le contrôle de la pensée naturelle en situation didactique, dans : Haas, V. Les savoirs du quotidien : transmissions, appropriations, représentations, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p. 119-130.

* Debray, R. (1997). Transmettre, Paris : Editions Odile Jacob.

* Doise, W. (1982). L’explication en psychologie sociale, Paris : Presses universitaires de France.

* Douglas, M. (1999). Comment pensent les institutions ? Paris : La Découverte, M.A.U.S.S.

* Eco, U. (1987). Un art d’oublier est-il concevable ? Revue Traverses n°40: "Théâtres de la mémoire", pp. 124-135. Paris : Centre Georges Pompidou.

* Haas, V (2006). Les savoirs du quotidien : transmissions, appropriations, représentations, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

* Haas, V. (2004). Les cartes cognitives : un outil pour étudier la ville sous ses dimensions socio-historiques et affectives, Bulletin de Psychologie, 474, 621-633.

* Haas, V. (2002). Approche psychosociale d’une reconstruction historique : le cas Vichyssois, Les cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 71, 77-88.

* Haas, V. & Jodelet, D. (1999)(2007). Pensée et mémoire sociales, dans : Pétard, J.P., Psychologie sociale, Paris : Editions Bréal, pp. 111-160.

* Haas, V. & Jodelet, D. (2000). La mémoire, ses aspects sociaux et collectifs, in N. Roussiau (Ed.), Psychologie sociale, pp. 121-134.

* Halbwachs, M. (1925)(1994). Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Paris : Albin Michel.

* Halbwachs, M. (1950)(1997). La mémoire collective, Paris : Albin Michel.

* Jodelet, D. (1992). Mémoire de masse : le côté moral et affectif de l’Histoire, Bulletin de Psychologie, 405, XLV, 239-256.

* Lautier, N. (2006). L’histoire en situation didactique, dans : Haas, V. Les savoirs du quotidien : transmissions, appropriations, représentations, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p. 77-89.

* Lavabre, M.C. (1994). Usages du passé, usages de la mémoire, Revue française de Science politique, volume 44, n°3, p. 480-493.

* Muxel, A. (2006). Transmissions et valeurs, Dictionnaire des Sciences Sociale, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, p. 1192-1194.

* Namer, G. (1987). Mémoire et société, Paris : Méridiens Klincksiek.

* Nora, P. (2006). L’âge mémoriel de l’histoire, Divinato, volume 23, printemps-été, p. 137-152.

* Ricoeur, P. (2000). La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli. Paris : Editions du Seuil.

* Rousso, H. (1987). Le syndrome de Vichy, Paris : Seuil.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Jodelet's Key Lecture:

* Huang, L.L., Liu, J.H., & Chang, M. (2004). The “Double Identity” of Taiwanese Chinese: A dilemma of politics and culture rooted in history. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(2), 149-189.

* Jodelet, D. (1993). Mémoires Evolutives. In Mémoire et Intégration (Ouvrage Collectif). Paris: Edition Syros

* Jodelet, D. (1988). Mass Memory or the Moral and Affective Side of History. Lecture presented at the Symposium "The role of leaders in mass psychology", 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney.

* Liu, J.H. (2005). History and identity: A systems of checks and balances for Aotearoa/New Zealand. In J.H. Liu, T. McCreanor, T. McIntosh, & T. Teaiwa (eds.) New Zealand identities: Departures and Destinations, p. 69-87. Wellington, NZ: Victoria University Press.

* Liu, J.H., & Hilton, D. (2005). How the past weighs on the present: Social representations of history and their role in identity politics. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 537-556.

* Liu, J.H., Hilton, D., Huang, L., Gastardo-Conaco, C., Dresler-Hawke, E., Pittolo, F., Hong, Y., Ward, C., Abraham, S., Kashima, Y., Kashima, E., Ohashi, M.M., Yuki, M., Hidaka, Y. (2005).Social representations of events and people in world history across twelve cultures. Social Representations of Events and People in World History across 12 Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 171-191.

* Liu, J.H. & László, J. (2007). A narrative theory of history and identity: Social identity, social representations, society and the individual. In G. Moloney & I. Walker (eds.) Social representations and identity: Content, process and power, p 85-107. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

* Liu, J.H., Lawrence, B., Ward, C., & Abraham, S. (2002). Social representations of history in Malaysia and Singapore: On the relationship between national and ethnic identity. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 5(1), 3-20.

* Liu, J.H., Wilson, M.W., McClure, J., Higgins, T.R. (1999). Social identity and the perception of history: Cultural representations of Aotearoa/New Zealand. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 1021-1047.

* Schwartz, B. (1996). Memory as a cultural system: Abraham Lincoln in World War II. American Sociological Review, 61(5), 908-927.

* Sibley, C.S., & Liu, J.H. (2007). New Zealand = bicultural? Implicit and explicit associations between ethnicity and nationhood in the New Zealand context. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 1-22.

* Sibley, C.S., Liu, J.H., Duckitt, J., & Khan, S.S. (2008). Social representations of history and the legitimation of social inequality: The form and function of historical negation. In press, European Journal of Psychology.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Kalampalikis' Key Lecture:

* Kalampalikis, N. (2007)Les Grecs et le mythe d’Alexandre. Etude psychosociale d’un conflit symbolique à propos de la Macédoine. Paris, L’Harmattan (collection Logiques sociales), Préface de Denise Jodelet, 275 pages.

* Kalampalikis N. (2006). Affronter la complexité : représentations et croyances, in V. Haas (éd.), Savoirs du quotidien. Transmissions, Appropriations, Représentations. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 229-237.

* Kalampalikis, N. (2002). Représentations et mythes contemporains, Psychologie & Société, 5, 61-86.

* Kalampalikis, N. (2002). Des noms et des représentations, Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 53, 20-31.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Leone's Key Lecture:

* Leone, G. (in stampa). Risvegliarsi alla Storia. In: Ruggeri, F. (Ed.) La memoria del futuro. Milano: Angeli (Italy). In Press

* Leone, G. (2008). Risvegliarsi alla storia. La memoria degli anziani come risorsa di sviluppo e di riconciliazione per la comunità. In Ruggeri, F. (a cura di), La memoria del futuro. Soggetti fragili e possibilità di azione, Milano: F. Angeli, 2008, pp. 139-160

* Leone, G. (2007). Costruzione e de-costruzione dell’immagine del nemico. Una riflessione sui processi psico-sociali di elaborazione dell’identità storica nel conflitto e nella riconciliazione. Il giornale della filosofia, vol. 17 - 2, pp. 9-16 ISSN: 1724-7195

* Leone, G. (2007). Memoria (voce). In: Barale, F., Gallese, V., Mistura, S., Zamperini, A. (a cura di). Dizionario di scienze psicologiche, vol. 2, pp. 688-692. Torino: Einaudi (Italy).

* Leone, G. (2006). Remembering together. Some considerations on how direct or virtual social interactions influence memory processes. In: Bagnara, S. & Crampton Smith, G. (Eds.). Theories and Practice in Interaction Design, pp. 49-81. Hillsdale NJ: Lea (United States).

* Leone, G. (2003). La Comprensione della Storia e la Costruzione dell'Identità Europa. Quaderni di Athenaeum, vol. Speciale Quale Europa?, pp. 159-160.

* Leone, G., Contarello, A., Mazzara, B., Volpato, C. (2005). Reframing relationships between former enemies. An analysis of reconciliation between France and Germany as mirrored in media representations. 14th General Meeting of EAESP, Wurzburg, 19-23.7.05.

* Bellelli, G., Curci, A., Leone G. (2007). Social and Cognitive Determinants of Collective Memory for Public Events. In: Valsiner, J., Rosa, A.S. (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology, pp. 625-644. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (United Kingdom).

* Leone, G., Curigliano, G., (2005). L’esplorazione del senso della storia attraverso un’analisi qualitativa di focus group discussion. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, vol. 76-77, pp. 291-309, ISSN: 1121-1148.

* Leone, G., D'Errico, F (2007). Identità senza nemici. Una riflessione sui processi di riduzione dell’ostilità e di riconciliazione matura. In Talamo, A., Roma, F. (a cura di), La pluralità inevitabile. Identità in gioco nella vita quotidiana. Milano: Apogeo, p. 71-103

* Leone, G., Mastrovito, T. (2007). Relazione tra gruppi, conflitto e armonia. In B. Mazzara (a cura di), La psicologia culturale. Modelli teorici e contesti di azione. Roma: Carocci, pp. 153-175.

* Leone, G., Mastrovito, T., D'Errico, F. (2008). Eroismo delle vittime e orrore della guerra. Le parole giornalistiche di fronte alla violenza sul proprio gruppo. In Mazzara, B.M. (a cura di), I discorsi dei media e la psicologia sociale. Ambiti e strumenti di indagine. Roma: Carocci, 2008, p. 99-125

 * Mazzara, B.M., Leone, G. (2001). Collective memory and intergroup relations. Revista de Psicologia Social,vol. 16, p349-367


Scientific Material related to Prof. Rosa's Key Lecture:

* Brescó, I.,Rosa, A. (in press). Representation of History in an Increasingly Globalised World. Aesthetical and Moral Aspects in Giving Accounts of the Past.

* Castro, J. & Rosa, A. (2007). Psychology within time. Theorizing About the Making of Sociocultural Psychology. En J. Valsiner y A. Rosa (eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Socio-Cultural Psychology, pp. 62-81. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-85410-5 (Hardcover).ISBN 0-521-67005-5 (Paperback)

* Rosa, A. & Blanco, F. (2007). Actuations of Identification in the games of identity. Social practice/Psychological Theorizing.

* Rosa, A., Castro, J., Blanco, F. (2006). Otherness in historic situated self-experiences. En L. Simao y J. Valsiner (comps.). Otherness in question: Development of the self, pp. 229-255. Nueva York: InfoAge : ISBN1-59311-232-7 y 1-59311-233-5.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Rimé's Key Lecture:

* Rimé, B. (in press). Emotion Elicits the Social Sharing of Emotion: Theory and Empirical Review. To appear in the 1st issue (January 2009) of Emotion Review. SAGE Publishing.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Valencia's Key Lecture:

* Doojse, B.E.J., Branscombe, N.R., Spears, R., Manstead, A.S.R. (2006). Antecedents and Consequences of Group-Based Guilt: The Effects of Ingroup Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 325-338. London: Sage

* Liu, J.H., Hilton, D., Huang, L., Gastardo-Conaco, C., Dresler-Hawke, E., Pittolo, F., Hong, Y., Ward, C., Abraham, S., Kashima, Y., Kashima, E., Ohashi, M.M., Yuki, M., Hidaka, Y. (2005). Social Representations of Events and People in World History across 12 Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 171-191.

* Nasabe, N. & Valencia, J. (2007). Culture of Peace: Sociostructural Dimensions, Cultural Values, and Emotional Climate. Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 63, No. 2, 2007, pp. 405-419

* Paez, D., Marques, J., Valencia, J., Vincze, O. (2006). Dealing with Collective Shame and Guilt. Psicologia Politica, No. 32, pp. 59-78.

* Paez, D., Valencia, J., Liu, J.H., Techno, E., Salute, P., Globins, A., Cabencinhas, R. (2006). Remembering World War II and Willingness to Fight: Socio-Cultural Factors in the Social Representations of Historical Warfare across 22 Societies.

* Valencia, J., Elejabarrieta, F., Páez, D., Villarreal, M., Wagner, W. (2004). Génération, polémique publique, climat social et mémoire collective des événements politiques. Connexions No. 80Mémoire collective et représentations sociales. Paris: Erès Editions. ISBN: 2-7492-0237-X